Monday, September 07, 2009

Downsizing - Potential for Punitive Measures

The Local Government Information Unit England, is calling for a fundamental overhaul of social housing policy that could have an impact on allocations of existing social housing tenancy’s. The report states that Councils should be given more freedom to offer different types of social tenancy to tackle overcrowding. A recent report prepared by Conservative run Westminster Council states that there are major disparities between the number of houses overcrowded and the number of housing being under occupied and recommends ways to improve the supply of social housing, the allocation of properties, mobility between properties, and the wider support needs of tenants.

There are many tenants in Wales where downsizing may be an attractive proposition releasing much needed family accommodation to the register, however their finance’s may not permit them to do so. The Welsh Tenants Federation have long advocated for a better voluntary downsizing scheme in Wales to enable better use of social housing properties and importantly this will not require recourse to a punitive tenancy right changes.

For further information about the proposals contact Steve Clarke, policy and projects coordinator.

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