Thursday, November 23, 2006

Comming of Age - TPAS Cymru/ Welsh Tenants Federation Joint conference Nov 2006

Once again the national joint conference hosted by TPAS Cymru and the Welsh Tenants Federation demonstrated that tenants remain committed to the principles of particiaption. The event, attended by more than 380 delegates from all parts of Wales focused on three main themes:
  • Tenant Participation
  • Modles of ownership and management of social housing
  • The purpose of Social Housing
Tenant Participation - As the Welsh Assembly Government launched its consultation document on the National Resident Participation Stratgey, tenants across Wales demonstrated that they remain active and positive about their influence and role in the development of responsive housing services too communities. However, tenants stated that adequate, consistent and equitable resourcing was critical to their continued effective particiaption as well as a change in the culture of service delivery.

Social Housing - its purpose and need - Delegates and invited speakers were unanimous in their view, that social housing is both needed and wanted and that afordable housing needed to be built to take the pressure off traditional social housing models. Wales needs between 3-5000 new homes to meet the demand for rented homes provided by the registered social landlord sector. Also required, was an urgent modernisation programme to meet standards which Wales' tenants deserve.

Models for social housing and ownership - The three speakers outlined the connections between eonomic and social development and in particualr the need for an holistic approach to the problems faced by commuities in decline. The housing led regeneration potential in the Heads Of the Valleys (HOV) project, which is programmed to recieve more than 120 million of Welsh Assembly Government funding, was held up as an example of what could be achieved. The potential for the HOV to realise 60 million of social housing investment by 2012 was also relayed too delegates. The role of private sector investment, cannot be discounted from this process providing much needed affordable homes for people who are attracted back too regenerated communities.

Further information about the conference can be obtained from Steve Clarke, Policy & Projects Co-ordinator at the Welsh tenants Federation on 01685 723922 or email

Yes to transfer! - Yes! to decent, quality affordable homes

It has been a momentous week for change in Wales, with tenants voting yes to a registered social housing (not for profit) model, in both Monmouth and Rhondda Cynon Taff.
Chairman of the WTF Terry Hennegan, welcomed the decision stating, "While Monmouth was important, it was the Rhondda Cynon Taff ballot which was to determine the level of support for the policy of the Welsh Assembly Government, he added, the majority of tenants who voted, said Yes to transfer! And that's good enough for me".
Tenants can now look forward to the investment levels that is both long overdue and deserved in Wales. Assemmbly Member for Rhondda Cynon Taff, Leighton Andrews said, "I am pleased that the turnout was above 50 percent and that the eventual result was conclusive. Everyone has to accept this result as the democratic will of RCT tenants. All tenants need to understand that transfer will now unlock sustainable investment in the millions of pounds over the next 30 years".

Further information can be obtained by contacting Steve Clarke, Policy & projects Co-ordinator at the Welsh tenants Federation on 01685 723922 or mobile 07879815479 email

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Gathering and sharing good practice

The Welsh Tenants Federation are keen to receive and promote your good news stories. You can do this in several ways. 1) Come along to regional meetings and inform other members of what you have achieved. 2) Telephone the national office and request a good practice form 3) Email a brief summary to 4) You can telephone the national office where we will be pleased to record your success, send you a copy for confirmation and add it to knowledge base.

All the information received is stored at the national office and will be shared with other members. Remember your project or initiative may be considered for one of the categories of our good practice ‘Community Awards’ delivered annual at the Welsh Tenants Federation AGM conference event.

Friday, October 20, 2006

* Rent Guarantee post transfer to be extended *

***News *** The Welsh Assembly Government have announced that it will consider extending the rent gurantee period beyond the five year period normally associated with transfers of stock from local authoirty to a registered social landlord.

The decision reflects concerns raised by tenants about what will happen to rent following the five year period. The Minister for Social Justice and Regeneration has ordered an amendment to the guidlines to relect this.

The Stock Transfer Guidance 2002 - Rent Gurantees, Paragraph 4.3.4 of the current guidelines should now read... local authorities can offer to transfering tenants rent increases post ballot that will not exceed the rent increases they would have paid as council tenants if transfer had not taken place. Obviously this would have to be reflected in the 30 year business plan developed by Councils and approved by the Welsh Assembly Government.

Previously 'the Assembly would not normally agree to a rent gurantee for more than five years'.

New tenants i.e. people who are not currently secure tenants of the Council and who move into a home for the first time after transfer will be charged RSL benchmark rents as set by the Welsh Assembly Government from the start of their tenancy.


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Resident Participation Strategy consultation summary


The Welsh Assembly has launched its resident participation strategy consultation document and its associated guidance. The Welsh Tenants Federation provides here a summary of the contents to assist members who might have difficulty wading through the weighty document. We suggest that members do the following:

  • Set up ‘reading groups’ to formulate a response
  • Be sure to try and get a broad range of opinions on board i.e. by profile e.g. young people; elderly; single parents; ethnic minorities; leaseholders; owner occupiers (people who have exercised their right to buy) etc.
  • Write up a summary and discuss the outcomes with your members and relevant stakeholders at the earliest opportunity
  • You can use the questions included as an example or put in your own
  • Finally ask what’s missing or ask members to include suggestions to help the strategy work better


Thank you.

Resident Participation Strategy - A summary of the core content and background

Paper includes

  • Understanding why the strategy and guidance are required. Overview of the strategy and guidance
  • Provides information about the consultation process that will take place – 18th Sept 12th Dec
  • Purpose of the consultation is to discuss issues related to resources, communication, training & capacity building, service planning and performance monitoring
Question: Has the paper and guidance covered all the issues?


  • Better homes for People in Wales provides a commitment to TP
  • WAG recognises that there is ‘patchy’ performance by social landlords and that improvements are required
  • The Strategy takes into consideration the report on the ‘Evaluating of tenant participation in Housing management and design (CIH Cymru + Rowan)
  • It accepts the recommendations of the report in particular …Assembly Government to develop a National Strategy setting out minimum standards and clarifying expectations for the sector together with guidance
  • The WAG set up a task and finish group to review the recommendations, this consisted of: WAG, TPAS Cymru, WTF, WFHA, Local Authority, Cymorth, Tai Pawb

Aim of the strategy

To promote quality resident participation services in the pursuit of continuous improvement in the delivery of responsive housing and related services

The strategy does this by setting out:

Assembly Government position

Their expectations of social landlords (does the stratgey meet your expectations?)

What support is available from WAG (Is there suffient support from the WAG?)

How the assembly will monitor social landlords performance


The strategy identifies that:

Social landlords share information, ideas and decision making with residents and other relevant stakeholders about

o Housing management and related services

Service planning priorities

How they will work together with residents and other stakeholders to achieve these

WAG’s Expectations of landlords

  • Develop a local participation strategy covering core elements
  • Minimum standards with respect to:

Scope of participation

Options for participation

Delivery mechanisms

Monitoring, evaluation and review processes

WAGs has a dual role

  • Ensure delivery on the ground & delivery strategically
  • Create links with Resident participation in National and local participation
  • Ensure adequate monitoring and review
  • Providing support for landlords

Support for landlords

  • Partnership working
  • Core funding for the WTF and TPAS Cymru
  • Tenant Empowerment Grants
  • Promote good practice through Social Housing Management Grant Programme
  • Help fund National Tenants Resource Centre’s Capacity Building & Small Grants programme

Timetable for implementation

  • Consultation on draft documents Sept to Dec 06
  • WAG Resident participation Strategy will then be issued January 2007
  • Social Landlords Local Resident Participation Strategies should be developed by August 2007 (too short?)
  • 3 yearly fundamental reviews from August 2007 onwards
Are the timescales practical ?

Draft guidance (as an toolkit for landlords and tenants)

  • Aimed at helping landlords and residents sustain momentum and build on the excellent resident participation practices that already exist in Wales
  • Expands upon and follows a similar pattern as the strategy but there is much more material, especially about the minimum standards for the scope of participation options and delivery
Is the document useful to tenant groups or should it focus on the intended and expected outcomes of each standard?

Audit commission research outcomes

  • Involving residents to improve services DOES work and it can provide value for money
  • Draws on evidence and examples of housing associations positively affecting community capacity
  • Can significantly enhance the accountability of housing organisations
  • Research states that effective participation is more than making information available or responding passively to resident participation interests
  • Residents need support to participate effectively
  • Participation is not a passive function and calls for positive and sustained action on the part of social landlords
  • Landlords and residents should build in methods for challenging the effectiveness of different participation models and maximise cost effectiveness

WAG’s expectations – Core elements

  • Landlords state their primary expression of local delivery of the national strategy is through social landlords developing local resident participation strategy
  • Should state its aims, objectives and intended outcomes
  • How it was developed and how residents & other stakeholders were involved
  • How equality of opportunity in all participation exercises will be promoted
  • How organisations will comply with the law on participation and regulatory rights to participate
  • Should be developed and reviewed with regard to good practice
  • Should refer to other relevant strategies that in turn should contain a statement on resident participation
  • Should have minimum standards
  • Include participation as a corporate activity
  • A comprehensive approach
  • Target high priority audiences
  • Be responsive to residents needs and wishes
  • Be accessible to all and inclusive
  • Consider its sustainability
  • Residents say on what information is provided
  • Information about resources (mapping resource needs)
  • Locally based information
  • Channels of communication
  • Opportunities that enable residents to express their views
  • Consultation methods
  • Keeping records of consultation and its results
There is much use of the word 'should' as opposed to 'Must' would this ensure that everyone includes these in the stratgey?

Minimum standards (MS) of participation options

  • Tenant participation compacts
  • Include residents associations
  • Working groups (e.g. service reviews or project committees)
  • Board committee membership
  • Local strategic partnerships
  • Resident management & Ownership models
Are these minimum standards sufficient - or are some minimum standards missing - if yes what are they? for example access to independant support and advice.

MS - Delivery

  • Operations staff roles clearly defined
  • Record-keeping of preferred methods of consultation (database)
  • Records of outcomes and response rates (note: action plans)
  • Other evidence (e,g, involving hard to reach groups), training attended, subjective evidence of personal growth)
  • Information about resources
  • Training
  • Publicity
  • Implementation – Action plan
Should structures for involvement be included in delivery mechanisms as a key standard?

MS – Monitoring and review (by WAG)

  • Monitoring meetings and reports
  • Reviews
  • Residents involved in reviews
  • Wales Audit Office (Key Lines of enquiry, (KLOES))
  • Revised action plans
  • 3 yearly fundamental review
What other WAG review and monitoring mechanisms should be stated? Should WAG have a participation directorate or participation champion ?

MS – Monitoring (by Social landlords)

  • Monitoring and review local strategies and action plans
  • Local authorities – Inspections (WAO) + WPI
  • Housing associations – Regulatory code + WAO Key Lines of enquiry (KLOES)
Should landlords have to have their strategies independently assessd annualy through for example an impact statement provided to WAG?

Recommendations for TPAS Cymru and WTF

  • Joint working (synergy)
  • Training provision database
  • Funding database
What other recommendations should be included for WTF?

The WTF will be responding comprehensively to the document and requires your views. Please contact or Tel 01685 723922 where we will record your concerns (anonymously if required) and incorporate them in our response

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Right to Buy Update !

Update on Right to Buy – Circular 34/2006

Para.11 of Schedule 5 of the Housing Act 1985 states that the Right to Buy does not arise if a property is particularly suitable for occupation by elderly persons and had been let for occupation by a person who was aged 60 or more.

The introduction of the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act1993 (Sec 106) empowered landlords to refuse the right to by in respect of Para 11 above and also made provisions for tenants to appeal to the Secretary of State within 56 days who would then make a determination on whether Para 11. applies.

Guidance was issued in Oct 1993 concerning how the Secretary of State would deal with these applications. Guidance was also issued to landlords at the same time.

When the National Assembly was established in 1999 the functions of the Secretary of State were transferred over. The National Assembly of Wales proposed changes in 2004, this revised circular now reflects those responses and revises aspects of the initial guidance in respect of:

  • The procedure for dealing with appeals from tenants under paragraph 11 of Schedule 5 of the Housing Act 1985
  • and what the National Assembly for Wales will expect from landlords when determining whether a property has been correctly excluded for the RTB under paragraph 11.

A link to the new guidance and procedures can be downloaded at

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Proposals to develop a 'Disadvantaged Groups Development Fund' welcomed

Disadvantaged Groups Development Fund: The Welsh Assembly Government is consulting on the development of a ‘Disadvantaged Groups Development Fund (DGDF)’ closing dates for consultation is 31st October 2006. Contact Tel 02920 825275. The proposal is to introduce a DGDF with two levels of funding:

  • Level one: local level funding £500 one-off funds such as a community newsletter and up to £2,000 at a regional level for one-off funds for regional activity such as a website.
  • Level two: is being proposed to make available funds of up to £25,000 for development work. The purpose is to build strength in community governance and financial systems.

The WTF supports the programme providing there is a clear definition of the term ‘disadvantage’ in the context of the fund. We would also like to see links made to the TEG fund as a staircase to deliver some of the action plans as an outcome of the TEG process, although not exclusively so. The WTF are compiling a comprehensive response. We would be interested in receiving your views to complement ours. For further information contact Steve

New Resident Particiaption Strategy

National Resident Participation Policy - The Welsh Assembly is due to publish its Resident Participation Strategy (RPS) on the 18th September 2006. The RPS has been developed with Priority Estates Project (PEP) who have been commissioned to co-ordinate the work supported by a WAG managed task group. The consultation period is due to commence on the 18th September through to 8th Dec with implementation likely to commence in the new year. Members and interested organisations need time to discuss the guidance with representative bodies so early planning is recommended.

If you don’t receive a copy of the draft and guidance please contact the Welsh Assembly Government Mike Simons, Housing Projects & Co-ordination Team, (tel 02920825282) or email the document will also appear on the Welsh Assembly web site or Members and supporters interested in obtaining or sharing their views can contact Steve 01685 723922 or email for a summary of the key issues we will be raising.

Respect Agenda

Respect agenda The WTF have supported and promoted the ‘Respect agenda in Wales’ with the message ‘Prevention, early intervention and protection

We have also raised the issue about the hidden mental health problems that may exist in communities that experience ASB tendencies. Hence our approach has been to promote prevention through educating and learning, early intervention to prevent escalation, and protection for vulnerable tenants both victims and perpetrators. While the need for sanctions are necessary, we also need to develop our learning and understanding to better address the underlining causes.

Some time ago we reported on the introduction of a respect standard for housing management being developed by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister now Department for Communities & Local Government. A guide for landlords has now been published and is available at the following link.

The Respect agenda aims to ensure that local agencies tackle unacceptable behaviour and its causes to improve quality of life for residents – particularly those in the most disadvantaged communities. The Government’s proposals to deliver on the Respect drive were set out in the Respect Action Plan. More details are available at The Respect Standard for Housing Management forms part of this drive and is aimed at social landlords. It is a voluntary Standard which the Government wants as many landlords as possible to sign. Copies of the standard can be obtained by following the link:

The respect standard uses 6 key themes:

Accountability, leadership, and commitment

  • Landlords need to make a visible commitment to the community so that everyone is clear they take issues of anti-social behaviour and Respect seriously and will deliver what they say they will.

Empowering and reassuring residents

  • Landlords and the community need to work as one through involving residents and giving them input into decision making. Engagement and effective communications act to reassure and empower communities

Prevention and early intervention

  • Landlords can play a key role in preventing anti-social behaviour from occurring. Where it does occur if problems are addressed quickly this often gets the best results.

Tailored services for residents and provision of support for victims and witnesses

  • Success rests on people being prepared to report and then give support to agencies in taking action. Every case and every person deserves a robust, tailored and sensitive response.

Protecting Communities through swift enforcement

  • Government has provided landlords with the tools they need to tackle a whole range of anti-social behaviour. Landlords need to understand how tools work and be prepared to use them quickly to protect communities.

Support to tackle the causes of anti-social behaviour

  • Provision of support can put an end to unacceptable behaviour by tackling underlying causes. This leads to sustainable outcomes and gets people’s lives back on track.
  • The Government will be encouraging residents to get engaged and hold their landlord to account. The Audit Commission, (Wales Audit Office) who carry out inspections of landlords, are also looking to strengthen their guidelines to landlords on what they expect a good landlord to be achieving in tackling anti-social behaviour. This will reflect the content of the Standard.

Landlords are encouraged to sign up to the standard to demonstrate their commitment to the principles of early intervention and prevention.

Please contact or

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Resident Participation Strategy - Seminars

Resident Participation Strategy Consultation Seminars (Wales)
The Resident Participation Strategy [RPS] consultation document and guidance is almost finalised and will be published shortly by the Welsh Assembly Government. The strategy is the culmination of many months of work by PEP and the advisory group set up to consider a revised participation strategy for Wales.

PEP who are assisting the WAG in drafting the strategy and guidance are putting on two consultation events on the:

- 11th September 2006, at the Grand Hotel, Swansea
- 15th September, at the Celtic Royal Hotel, Caernavon.

Anyone wishing to attend the events should contact Robert Webb on 077306-24358 email: or Gwyneth Orford on 077306-24397 email

The Welsh tenants Federation would be pleased to support representatives from regional committees to attend the events subject to regional committee support. Please contact Steve Clarke at or telephone 01685 723922.

Copies of the consultation document and guidance will be made available to regional committees for discussion when they are published. Please register your interests in obtaining a copy with Sharon Dean at the above number or email Sharon:

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

TPAS /WTF Joint Conference Wales

The TPAS Cymru / WTF joint conference will be held at the Metropole Hotel, Landrindod Wells, Powys on the 15th 16th and 17th of November 2006. The event celebrates both organisations 18th year with the title 'Coming of Age'. On the programme is a broad range of emerging housing issues including social housing models, the revised resident participation strategy and many other interesting and informative discussions. There are also a number of workshops and break-out sessions to enable people to network.
Whether you are a seasoned participant or new to housing and participation, you will certainly enjoy the experience.

Our main sponsor for the event is United Welsh Housing Association along with supporters and exhibitors. For further information and a booking form contact Sharon Dean 01685 723922 or email:

Right to Know zone

The Welsh Tenants Federation have launched a right to know web zone linked to this site

The Right 2 Know web zone will be devoted to issues that relate directly to the delivery of Welsh Housing Quality Standards and other useful information that may assist tenants to make informed choices about how the standard will be achieved.

If you have been involved in stock option investment issues with your landlord we would be pleased to hear from you. Please contact or telephone 01685-723922. We can talk in confidence if you wish.

Friday, July 28, 2006