Wednesday, August 23, 2006

TPAS /WTF Joint Conference Wales

The TPAS Cymru / WTF joint conference will be held at the Metropole Hotel, Landrindod Wells, Powys on the 15th 16th and 17th of November 2006. The event celebrates both organisations 18th year with the title 'Coming of Age'. On the programme is a broad range of emerging housing issues including social housing models, the revised resident participation strategy and many other interesting and informative discussions. There are also a number of workshops and break-out sessions to enable people to network.
Whether you are a seasoned participant or new to housing and participation, you will certainly enjoy the experience.

Our main sponsor for the event is United Welsh Housing Association along with supporters and exhibitors. For further information and a booking form contact Sharon Dean 01685 723922 or email:

Right to Know zone

The Welsh Tenants Federation have launched a right to know web zone linked to this site

The Right 2 Know web zone will be devoted to issues that relate directly to the delivery of Welsh Housing Quality Standards and other useful information that may assist tenants to make informed choices about how the standard will be achieved.

If you have been involved in stock option investment issues with your landlord we would be pleased to hear from you. Please contact or telephone 01685-723922. We can talk in confidence if you wish.