Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Environmental Training at Trafford Hall

Trafford Hall has received funding from The Tudor Trust to run a pilot training session which will be designed to support communities in their response to environmental challenges. In order to develop a truly effective course program we need to know what is important to you and what type of training could help you to make a difference in your community. This is a unique chance for you to tell us what you want!

It would be extremely helpful to us if you could take the time to answer the questions below. Just a couple of sentences to answer each question would be greatly appreciated  you do not need to have any previous experience of environmental training to make a contribution to this. Please send us your reply by September 25th 2009.

In response to your feedback, we will be running a free taster training day in November. Please let us know in your reply if you would be interested in attending this event. We will provide lunch and contribute towards your travel expenses on the day.


1. Do climate change and the environment matter? If so, what do you think are the most important issues?

2. Do these issues directly affect you and your community? If so, how?

3. Do you have access to the information and resources needed to address any of these issues?

4. What type of training on environmental and sustainability topics would be useful to you and your community? Please list three topics e.g. saving energy, gardening skills etc. We will assume that everybody wants to know about grant funding so please dont list that as one of your topics.

5. How do you think improving the environmental sustainability of your community could help to solve other problems e.g. anti-social behaviour, isolation?

6. What does 'community resilience' mean to you?

7. Would you be interested in attending a taster training day at Trafford Hall in November?

PLEASE SEND YOUR RESPONSE TO p.potter@traffordhall.com
Thank you.

If you would prefer to talk through these questions please call Poppy Potter on 01244 300246 or email p.potter@traffordhall.com to arrange a time for us to call you back.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Exciting StoneWall Project

This is a bilingual message, please scroll down for Welsh

Are you Black Minority Ethnic and Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual in Wales? We want to hear from you!

Do you identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual and are from a black, minority or ethnic community?

If so, we would like to hear from you about the good points and difficulties that come with having both identities, and what its like living in a community in Wales. This is a simple enquiry project based in North Wales, but we would like to hear from LGB BME people across Wales to discover your issues and needs, with the possibility of developing a bigger project.

You can contact Jenny Porter the Community Liaison Officer by email on jenny.porter@stonewallcymru.org.uk or by phone on 01492 622202, information will be treated with confidentiality.

Ydych chi’n berson Lesbiaidd, Hoyw neu Ddeurywiol o gefndir Du neu Leiafrif Ethnig yng Nghymru? Rydym am glywed oddi wrthych!

Ydych chi’n lesbiaidd, hoyw neu ddeurywiol ac o gymuned ddu, leiafrifol neu ethnig?

Os felly, hoffem glywed oddi wrthych am y pwyntiau da a’r anawsterau a ddaw yn sgil y ddwy hunaniaeth, a sut brofiad yw byw mewn cymuned yng Nghymru. Rydym yn cynnal prosiect ymholi syml yng ngogledd Cymru, ond hoffem glywed gan bobl LHD o gefndir du a lleiafrifoedd ethnig ledled Cymru er mwyn darganfod eich pryderon a’ch anghenion, gyda’r posibilrwydd o ddatblygu prosiect mwy.

Gallwch gysylltu gyda Jenny Porter, y Swyddog Cyswllt Cymunedol, drwy anfon ebost at jenny.porter@stonewallcymru.org.uk neu drwy ffonio 01492 622202, bydd yr holl wybodaeth a dderbynnir yn cael ei drin yn gyfrinachol.

Ele Hicks
Swyddog Polisi a Phrosiectau / Projects and Policy Officer
Stonewall Cymru
Transport House
1 Heol y Gadeirlan / 1 Cathedral Road
Caerdydd / Cardiff
CF11 9SB.
Ffôn / Phone: 029 20237744

Enw a chyfeiriad cofrestredig: Stonewall Equality Ltd, Tower Building, York Road, London SE1 7NX
Cofrestredig yng Nghymru a Lloegr
Rhif cofrestru 02412299
Rhif TAW 862 9064 05
Elusen gofrestredig rhif 1101255

Registered name and address: Stonewall Equality Ltd, Tower Building, York Road, London SE1 7NX
Registered in England and Wales
Registration number 02412299
VAT number 862 9064 05
Registered Charity number 1101255

Exciting StoneWall Project

This is a bilingual message, please scroll down for Welsh

Are you Black Minority Ethnic and Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual in Wales? We want to hear from you!

Do you identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual and are from a black, minority or ethnic community?

If so, we would like to hear from you about the good points and difficulties that come with having both identities, and what its like living in a community in Wales. This is a simple enquiry project based in North Wales, but we would like to hear from LGB BME people across Wales to discover your issues and needs, with the possibility of developing a bigger project.

You can contact Jenny Porter the Community Liaison Officer by email on jenny.porter@stonewallcymru.org.uk or by phone on 01492 622202, information will be treated with confidentiality.

Ydych chi’n berson Lesbiaidd, Hoyw neu Ddeurywiol o gefndir Du neu Leiafrif Ethnig yng Nghymru? Rydym am glywed oddi wrthych!

Ydych chi’n lesbiaidd, hoyw neu ddeurywiol ac o gymuned ddu, leiafrifol neu ethnig?

Os felly, hoffem glywed oddi wrthych am y pwyntiau da a’r anawsterau a ddaw yn sgil y ddwy hunaniaeth, a sut brofiad yw byw mewn cymuned yng Nghymru. Rydym yn cynnal prosiect ymholi syml yng ngogledd Cymru, ond hoffem glywed gan bobl LHD o gefndir du a lleiafrifoedd ethnig ledled Cymru er mwyn darganfod eich pryderon a’ch anghenion, gyda’r posibilrwydd o ddatblygu prosiect mwy.

Gallwch gysylltu gyda Jenny Porter, y Swyddog Cyswllt Cymunedol, drwy anfon ebost at jenny.porter@stonewallcymru.org.uk neu drwy ffonio 01492 622202, bydd yr holl wybodaeth a dderbynnir yn cael ei drin yn gyfrinachol.

Ele Hicks
Swyddog Polisi a Phrosiectau / Projects and Policy Officer
Stonewall Cymru
Transport House
1 Heol y Gadeirlan / 1 Cathedral Road
Caerdydd / Cardiff
CF11 9SB.
Ffôn / Phone: 029 20237744

Enw a chyfeiriad cofrestredig: Stonewall Equality Ltd, Tower Building, York Road, London SE1 7NX
Cofrestredig yng Nghymru a Lloegr
Rhif cofrestru 02412299
Rhif TAW 862 9064 05
Elusen gofrestredig rhif 1101255

Registered name and address: Stonewall Equality Ltd, Tower Building, York Road, London SE1 7NX
Registered in England and Wales
Registration number 02412299
VAT number 862 9064 05
Registered Charity number 1101255

Monday, September 07, 2009

Downsizing - Potential for Punitive Measures

The Local Government Information Unit England, is calling for a fundamental overhaul of social housing policy that could have an impact on allocations of existing social housing tenancy’s. The report states that Councils should be given more freedom to offer different types of social tenancy to tackle overcrowding. A recent report prepared by Conservative run Westminster Council states that there are major disparities between the number of houses overcrowded and the number of housing being under occupied and recommends ways to improve the supply of social housing, the allocation of properties, mobility between properties, and the wider support needs of tenants.

There are many tenants in Wales where downsizing may be an attractive proposition releasing much needed family accommodation to the register, however their finance’s may not permit them to do so. The Welsh Tenants Federation have long advocated for a better voluntary downsizing scheme in Wales to enable better use of social housing properties and importantly this will not require recourse to a punitive tenancy right changes.

For further information about the proposals contact Steve Clarke, policy and projects coordinator.