Thursday, November 23, 2006

Comming of Age - TPAS Cymru/ Welsh Tenants Federation Joint conference Nov 2006

Once again the national joint conference hosted by TPAS Cymru and the Welsh Tenants Federation demonstrated that tenants remain committed to the principles of particiaption. The event, attended by more than 380 delegates from all parts of Wales focused on three main themes:
  • Tenant Participation
  • Modles of ownership and management of social housing
  • The purpose of Social Housing
Tenant Participation - As the Welsh Assembly Government launched its consultation document on the National Resident Participation Stratgey, tenants across Wales demonstrated that they remain active and positive about their influence and role in the development of responsive housing services too communities. However, tenants stated that adequate, consistent and equitable resourcing was critical to their continued effective particiaption as well as a change in the culture of service delivery.

Social Housing - its purpose and need - Delegates and invited speakers were unanimous in their view, that social housing is both needed and wanted and that afordable housing needed to be built to take the pressure off traditional social housing models. Wales needs between 3-5000 new homes to meet the demand for rented homes provided by the registered social landlord sector. Also required, was an urgent modernisation programme to meet standards which Wales' tenants deserve.

Models for social housing and ownership - The three speakers outlined the connections between eonomic and social development and in particualr the need for an holistic approach to the problems faced by commuities in decline. The housing led regeneration potential in the Heads Of the Valleys (HOV) project, which is programmed to recieve more than 120 million of Welsh Assembly Government funding, was held up as an example of what could be achieved. The potential for the HOV to realise 60 million of social housing investment by 2012 was also relayed too delegates. The role of private sector investment, cannot be discounted from this process providing much needed affordable homes for people who are attracted back too regenerated communities.

Further information about the conference can be obtained from Steve Clarke, Policy & Projects Co-ordinator at the Welsh tenants Federation on 01685 723922 or email

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