Thursday, February 01, 2007

Living without insurance

The Welsh Consumer Council are currently conducting a study into the barriers that some people face when taking out insurance. One of the areas they're focussing on is home contents insurance.
As part of the research they are looking for people who have had difficulty in obtaining home contents insurance over the last few years (eg. costs quoted have been too expensive or cover has been refused for some reason), or anyone who's had to deal with a particular situation/incident without home contents insurance cover.
They are also keen to hear tenants general views on taking out home contents insurance including opinion on 'insurance with rent' schemes.
If you know of anyone with a story to tell who would be happy to share their experiences and views please contact Lindsey Kearton (email: Tel: 029 2025 5454 Ext: 225) by Friday 23rd February 2007.The information gathered will then be used as Case Studies in their final report. All answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and no individuals will be identified.

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