Thursday, November 23, 2006

Yes to transfer! - Yes! to decent, quality affordable homes

It has been a momentous week for change in Wales, with tenants voting yes to a registered social housing (not for profit) model, in both Monmouth and Rhondda Cynon Taff.
Chairman of the WTF Terry Hennegan, welcomed the decision stating, "While Monmouth was important, it was the Rhondda Cynon Taff ballot which was to determine the level of support for the policy of the Welsh Assembly Government, he added, the majority of tenants who voted, said Yes to transfer! And that's good enough for me".
Tenants can now look forward to the investment levels that is both long overdue and deserved in Wales. Assemmbly Member for Rhondda Cynon Taff, Leighton Andrews said, "I am pleased that the turnout was above 50 percent and that the eventual result was conclusive. Everyone has to accept this result as the democratic will of RCT tenants. All tenants need to understand that transfer will now unlock sustainable investment in the millions of pounds over the next 30 years".

Further information can be obtained by contacting Steve Clarke, Policy & projects Co-ordinator at the Welsh tenants Federation on 01685 723922 or mobile 07879815479 email

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