Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Proposals to develop a 'Disadvantaged Groups Development Fund' welcomed

Disadvantaged Groups Development Fund: The Welsh Assembly Government is consulting on the development of a ‘Disadvantaged Groups Development Fund (DGDF)’ closing dates for consultation is 31st October 2006. Contact Tel 02920 825275. The proposal is to introduce a DGDF with two levels of funding:

  • Level one: local level funding £500 one-off funds such as a community newsletter and up to £2,000 at a regional level for one-off funds for regional activity such as a website.
  • Level two: is being proposed to make available funds of up to £25,000 for development work. The purpose is to build strength in community governance and financial systems.

The WTF supports the programme providing there is a clear definition of the term ‘disadvantage’ in the context of the fund. We would also like to see links made to the TEG fund as a staircase to deliver some of the action plans as an outcome of the TEG process, although not exclusively so. The WTF are compiling a comprehensive response. We would be interested in receiving your views to complement ours. For further information contact Steve

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