Monday, April 18, 2011

Supporting People Review

As you may be aware the final report of the Supporting People Review was published in Nov 2010. The head of the government-commissioned study, Professor Mansel Aylward, said of the supporting people programme that the £140 million supported housing scheme could be more efficient. Speaking at the Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru’s Tai 2010 conference, he said the scheme ‘his review would look at simplifying the system, and making it more efficient and accountable’. Talking to people who benefit from the services and seeing the difference it makes to their lives had convinced him the programme should be kept, he said.

Deputy housing minister Jocelyn Davies ordered the review in 2009, to ensure the scheme is being delivered efficiently. In 2009-10 £138 million was spent on Supporting People in Wales. It has been allocated £141 million for 2010/11. The review aims to ensure housing support services are tailored to individual need and high quality support that demonstrates value for money is delivered.

The Assembly Government are now working towards the implementation of the recommendations contained within the report these include:

* Work on establishing a measure of the value for money of the programme

* Reviewing the work done by LE Wales on distribution and working up recommendations around a funding formula

* Considering the outcomes pilot and how outcomes from the SP programme can be robustly evaluated and collected

* Working up recommendations around the future structure and administration of the programme

* Conclusions on how the regulation of the programme can be improved

* Undertaking a “following the money” exercise tracing funding from WAG to service users.

A copy of the report and questions relating to the implementation of the programme can be found here:

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