Monday, April 18, 2011

New ASB report for community activists

The Home Office has published Baroness Newlove's report showing how community activists can tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB). Baroness Newlove, whose husband Garry was kicked to death by a drink and drug fuelled gang of youths, has visited activists up and down the country to find examples of how communities and the authorities are working together against ASB. The report our vision for safe and active communities is written by an activist for activists and contains many good practice examples showing how groups of volunteers have formed to rid their local area of ASB. It provides advice and ideas for local communities working with police, local authorities and social landlords to uphold the law and enforce tenancy conditions. From a landlord's perspective, the report provides a useful insight into current practice and strategies for tackling ASB that can be shared with residents. The recommendations include:

* 'Community Reward' – where information provided by the community leads to a conviction the community is given a reward to spend on crime prevention work

* 'Bling Back' – where money made from selling local drug dealers’ assets is handed back to the neighbourhood they blighted

* letting communities set their own local speed limits

* taking crime maps to the next level so people can use them to report crime and ASB and agencies can publish details of what action was taken against offenders

* giving the public a single point of contact through the roll out of the 101 number to report ASB

* providing council tax rebates, or vouchers for local businesses and services, for people who take part in activism

* asking Police and Crime Commissioners to commit at least one per cent of their budget to grass roots community groups to use or have a say on

* Our Vision for Safe and Active Communities is available to download below.

If you have any views as to the reports findings, conclusions and recommendations we would love to hear from you.

The document can be accessed by clicking here:

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