Monday, August 03, 2009

New housing powers sought to protect social housing and rights of tenants

The Welsh Assembly Government today (Tuesday) announced that it was going to seek new, more wide ranging powers to modernise social housing.

Ensuring better quality and more affordable housing remains a top priority for the Welsh Assembly Government and we have undertaken a thorough review of policies over the past two years. This fresh thinking is set out in the draft National Housing Strategy, Supporting People Strategy and Homelessness plans as well as our work with partners to implement the Essex Review. All of these will be complete and published in the autumn.

These strategies address the challenges facing housing through the current economic climate, including the tightening public purse, but also challenges such as climate change which we will face over the long term.

We are now seeking powers so that the Welsh Assembly Government has the legislative and regulatory tools to deliver our vision, and to respond innovatively to future policy challenges.

The new housing Legislative Competence Order will incorporate the aims of the Affordable Housing LCO to preserve social housing stock, which is being withdrawn from Parliament.

It will seek to modernise the system, meet tenants aspirations for home equity ownership and reform the Right to Buy scheme.

Deputy Minister for Housing Jocelyn Davies said:

“There have been some considerable developments in housing since 2007, not least the economic downturn which has impacted on the availability of homes and mortgages.

“Work is already underway to seek additional powers so that we’re able to deliver our wider housing ambitions and it makes sense to incorporate our commitments within the previous LCO into one wide-ranging LCO.

“Since 2007 we have done some considerable work in the area of affordable housing.

“We must look at how we can preserve and protect social housing for tenants now and in the future for the people of Wales.

“We now need powers to deliver social housing that takes on board the Essex Report and our strategies which cover national housing, homelessness and supported housing.”

The Assembly Government needs to address the considerable developments in housing to address the impact of the recession as well as the longer term problems of access to affordable housing and climate change.

The previous LCO looked only at the disposal of land by social landlords but this new LCO will look at much more: supported housing, the recommendations of the Essex Review and powers over tenancy law.

Housing remains a top priority for the Assembly Government and Ministers and officials look forward to working with the Secretary of State for Wales, who has said he will work with the Assembly Government to deliver this.

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