Tuesday, May 04, 2010

National Housing Strategy for Wales

The Welsh Tenants Federation are pleased to see that the Deputy Minister for Housing and Regeneration launched the national housing strategy for Wales. When launching the strategy she said: “The strategy provides us with an opportunity to build on what we have already achieved and to do even more together to help people to improve their lives. “Housing is so much more than bricks and mortar. Investment in Housing brings with it benefits for the economy, for jobs and training opportunities, for people’s health and well being, and for the environment. It also helps tackle poverty and inequalities and opens up new opportunities for people.“

Gail McFee chair of the Welsh Tenants Federation speaking to WTF volunteers reiterated the importance of a strategy that responds to the needs of Wales. She said we hope to see further powers devolved to Wales to ensure the strategy can be delivered. We are also pleased to see that real progress is being made towards meeting our aspiration that every tenant is able to live in a decent quality and affordable home and that real choice becomes a reality, not just choice of where you live, but how tenants can help shape the services available to them.

Details about the strategy and a downloaded copy can be found at http://wales.gov.uk/topics/housingandcommunity/housing/?lang=en or request a copy from the Welsh Tenants Federation.

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