Tuesday, February 10, 2009

WAG Consultation Paper - Sustainable Homes: A National Strategy For Wales

The Deputy Minister for Housing, Jocelyn Davies AM has launched the consultation document Sustainable Homes: A National Housing Strategy for Wales on 29th January. At the event, the Deputy Minister underlined the commitment to build more sustainable homes for the future, working with the registered social landlord and private sector to help regenerate areas of Wales.

The Deputy Minister also emphasised the need for the right mix of housing and that housing is the catalyst to improve lives and strengthening communities, making them more sustainable for the future by radically reducing the ecological footprint. This can only be achieved by working in partnership.

The launch took place in the Alway Centre, Broadheath Newport, where Newport City Council have been regenerating the area providing 250 new homes built by Bellway.
The Regeneration project, which has received a high level of community involvement, provides new shopping facilities, a community hall and a multi user games area. A training initiative has also been established with the local Hartridge comprehensive school.

Of the 250 new homes, 50 are part funded by Social Housing Grant to provide affordable rent or low cost home ownership via the Seren Group. The Council are also continuing their significant levels of programmed improvements to existing properties in the area. The hallmark of the whole project has been the extremely high degree of community involvement.

Copies of the documents can be obtained from the Welsh Tenants Federation www.welshtenantsfed.org.uk or by visiting http://wales.gov.uk/consultations/housingcommunity/housingstrategy/?lang=en

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