The standard also acknowledges the vital role of other agencies including Community Safety Partnerships in tackling anti-social behaviour and emphasises prevention and enforcement, promoting rights and responsibilities for safe and sustainable local communities.
The standard has 7 key themes: A Commitment to leadership and accountability; Empowering and reassuring residents; Prevention and early intervention; Support to tackle the causes of anti-social behaviour; Tailored services for residents and provision of support for victims and witnesses; Protecting communities through swift enforcement; Encouraging community responsibility. The standard also includes a service-user led focus in the assessment and on-going monitoring of the standards.
Members of the WTF will have heard about these proposals last year. Members welcomed the development of the standard as a step in the right direction to ensure that a more systematic approach is adopted to prevent and tackle anti social behaviour by the minority of bad tenants and visitors. Steve Clarke, policy officer said “we welcome the standard and the voluntary commitment landlords will commit to ensuring the principles are delivered however, the standard should run alongside the good practice in administration which we highlighted earlier in the year as being seen to dealing with complaints around ASB is just as important.
When adopting the standard landlords are signalling their declaration to help create, sustain and improve communities that experience ASB and want to do something to mitigate its causes. There are many tools in the box for landlords to deal with anti-social behaviour including, injunctions, demotion orders, Anti social behaviour orders, Acceptable behaviour contracts and eviction for breach of tenancy agreement. The standard reflects how landlords should react and maintain a standard when using these as well as measures to help prevent ASB from occurring.
A full copy of the standard can be obtained for the Welsh Assembly Government website
Alternatively contact the Welsh Tenants Federation who can provide you with advice on how to develop an action plan, gather evidence and utilise support.
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