The Wales Housing Management Standard for Anti Social Behaviour
The Welsh Assembly Government has issued consultation on a housing management standard that they expect all registered social landlords to adopt with their tenants and the broader community. The standard contains 7 key commitments including; Commitment to leadership; empowering and reassuring residents; prevention and early intervention; Support to tackle the causes of anti-social behaviour; tailored services for residents and provision of support for victims and witnesses; protecting communities through swift enforcement; and finally a commitment to encouraging community responsibility.
Landlords have been required to develop a ASB policy as directed by the Welsh Assembly Government since the 30th Oct 05.
The new standard is expected to establish a benchmark for the sector in Wales from which to build excellence in combating ASB. Spanning prevention, support and enforcement agendas the standard also places a strong emphasis in empowering tenants to play their role. The WTF would like to hear your views on the standard and particularly its implementation.
Copies of the proposed standard can be obtained from or through the WTF email steve @